Kaustinen's Pretty Short, Unamusing Quest to Attain Alcoholic Beverages, Punch People He Hates and Escape Some Sort of Surreal Alternate Dimension

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Kaustinen's Pretty Short, Unamusing Quest to Attain Alcoholic Beverages, Punch People He Hates and Escape Some Sort of Surreal Alternate Dimension by Rand

KAUSTINEN seeks for alcohol! Quest by Rand.
This quest was completed on the 6th of July.



Yellow made one appearance Inside the Quest. [1]

Quests by Rand

/tg/: Daniel's Quest

TGchan: Tory's Tower | KPSUQAABPPHHESSSAD | To Hell and Back | Life Out of Place

Dead: SabotageQuest | Barton Quest | King of the Wasteland