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1087619 No. 1087619 ID: 6290ec

If we open our minds to the existence of other universes, there's no limit to the possibilities that we could experience in the world of boning.
345 posts omitted. Last 50 shown. Expand all images
No. 1089795 ID: 5f920e

Lets keep up the momentum going back out! E.
No. 1089796 ID: 293b32

No. 1089798 ID: 0480e2

No. 1089806 ID: b81967

Primary C
Secondary E
No. 1089807 ID: 861ceb

C, d
No. 1089813 ID: 124485

Hey Ceri, do you think the bookstore in the mall is gonna ban you because the owner is afraid that you'll damage the books with either fire or water? Or do you think you managed to get out of there without being noticed and you can go back to the bookstore later?

>Wow are your boobs bigger than mine? I'm so jealous, *Squeehee~!*
Does your mom feel the same way about your boobs?

>What do?
Primary: C: I could show her some of my magic.

Secondary: A: We could play video games...?
No. 1089817 ID: 5ebd37

C/D She seems interested in these subjects so thats a good place to start
No. 1089818 ID: 830162

No. 1089819 ID: ea9c0a

E! And if not that, D.
No. 1089820 ID: 1157e0


Just because your dragon form doesn't wear clothes doesn't mean it's naked! Can a quadruped even be considered naked? In any case, your tail should be enough to hide all the embarrassing bits in that form. Yet more perks of being a girl!
No. 1089824 ID: bf0c13

D wait no, save that for a second get-together. Take that, mom, encouraging friend to be friend longer!
B. Now that you're in a more private location, you can ask about those "specialty" novels she had.
No. 1089827 ID: fa3034

Making friends is as Ec this!
No. 1089830 ID: 056956

A, e
No. 1089833 ID: c3de9f

D, B
No. 1089834 ID: 1ff64e

Primary D (for dragon), secondary E! Let's get into some shenanigans, one way or another.
No. 1089837 ID: 6645ca

No. 1089839 ID: bcb9b2

E, this time with an Extrovert to help, maybe get her to adopt another introvert as a friend
D(ragon) because lets face it, if the cats out of the bag, you might as well, you know she wants to see it
No. 1089842 ID: 8aebb0

In character to try doing E…I trust in Ceridwen to throw an appropriate wrench in that plan along the way. I’ll back doing E with some soft approval and the expectation for shenanigans.

B. We vent to Keireer about the difficulties of being a disguised dragon in a world where everyone treats you as a celebrity for existing. Maybe she’ll exceed expectations and have empathy for our condition.

D is right out of the scope of reasonability. As least treat a lady bird lady to a night out first you damn horny animals. But since D is the other big thing….We’ll have a transformation malfunction in a confined stance, requiring Keireer to shove our scaly butt out the door or some other suitably embarrassing predicament.
No. 1089860 ID: ebae20

C and D. Nothing can go wrong.
No. 1089873 ID: 26801d

A, C, D
No. 1089880 ID: 965675

No. 1089896 ID: 541e01

E, C!
No. 1089897 ID: 40ef3b

D, C
No. 1089920 ID: 25c93b

No. 1089924 ID: e1e416


No. 1089937 ID: 7a406e

Outside, or maybe her hobbies? E or B
No. 1089940 ID: 7c0da2

C, B
No. 1089961 ID: 57ec6f

E then A
No. 1089974 ID: 184595

B, c

You're here to make friends; ask her about what sort of stuff she likes to do. She's eager to talk, so you shouldn't have a problem asking bluntly "What do you like to do when you go to your friends' house?"

But if that falls through, an exersize in magic with an audience might help you learn to control your powers better.
No. 1090001 ID: 3ee96b

E, B.
More friends, more adventure!
No. 1090044 ID: 9188de

A, e
No. 1090047 ID: 05a3b7

A and B, there's nothing preventing you from talking while you play.
No. 1090049 ID: e8918a

Outside! E
No. 1090221 ID: 6290ec
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>Huh, wha, dragon planes? Oh, no. ...but what if dragon planes?
Sounds cool! But how would you ride... oh geez.

>Nerd out about magic and rant about how everything inevitably ends in a generic support healer build.
That's a terrifying thought. The only way to heal wounds is by using LIFE MAGIC, a school of magic capable of changing life itself. In mortal hands, it could lead to some truly unspeakable things.

It's probably for the best that mortals consider it forbidden. Even dragons are loath to touch that particular school of magic!

>Hey Ceri, do you think the bookstore in the mall is gonna ban you because the owner is afraid that you'll damage the books with either fire or water? Or do you think you managed to get out of there without being noticed and you can go back to the bookstore later?
The owner's usually asleep, so you're probably fine.

>Does your mom feel the same way about your boobs?
You know better than to ask. but probably

>Just because your dragon form doesn't wear clothes doesn't mean it's naked! Can a quadruped even be considered naked?
From what you understand, dragons are similar to reptilians in that they don't consider nudity to be an issue. But you've grown up with a mammal family, so the thought of doing that is...!

Okay, enough spacing out. "I um, I think my plan is to switch outfits and head back out to find more friends I guess?"
No. 1090222 ID: 6290ec
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Mom emits several high-frequency bat-sounds that your giant ears graciously amplify for you. Thanks, ears. thears

"Our daughter's going outside! On her own! Without us making her do it!!!"

Wait, dad's excited?? "Oh, this is wonderful, dear! It's just like I told ya, you just have to get out there and the friends will flow like fine wine!"

"Especially if you offer them fine wine!" Mom adds.

"We should drink some of our own fine wine to celebrate this occasion!"

"To our daughter finally meeting other people!"

"And to her actually talking to them!"

"Maybe she'll even find some romance!"

"Honey please my heart can't handle the thought of her doing that!"

"But what if she does, though!?"

"I can't wait to meet Ceri's partner and act like the tough dad that has to be won over!"

"And-- and I get to be the caring mom who holds you back!"

"Which you're really good at because you're much stronger than me."

"I know~"

It's not often you see them act so... lively. Their excitement is infectious enough that you're almost not completely terrified at the thought of actually trying to ask someone out.

Well, while they're distracted with that, you'll slip into your room and decide on a NEW OUTFIT to wear.
No. 1090223 ID: 6290ec
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Hahaha, just kidding. Of course you have multiple copies of the same outfit for when you accidentally set one on fire.

It's uh. It's come up before.

Several times.

it's a good thing you're a water dragon huh? a good job, even.
No. 1090224 ID: 6290ec
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Hoping this outfit lasts longer than the last one, you set out with Keireer to... what was it, again?

'Make tons of new friends'?

Aw man, that means you have to talk to people. You're gonna mess up and say cringy things that you'll think about every night for the next 30 years.

"Your parents seem nice, Ceri!" Keireer says.

"Yeah they seem uh, they seem excited to meet you. They probably think you'll introduce me to a ton of new people or something."

"I can do that!" She chirps happily.

"W-wait, what?"

"Sure, I've met a lot of interesting people here! I bet they'd love to meet a real life dragon face-to-face~"

"L-let's not tell people I'm a dragon, okay? It's so embarrassing..."

"Oh, of course! Still, though, I'm sure they'd love to meet you."

"Oh geez."

"And you have to introduce me to your sister!"


"Your mom was talking about her while you were switching outfits! Your sister sounds pretty cool, *Chirp~!*"

"She's something, all right."

Daatra isn't actually your sister in the physical sense. Rather, the two of you share a sisterly bond formed by your mutual dislike of talking to other people. It could be nice to have her around for support.

Then again, she might beat you up for dragging her into this.

not that she'd do any damage. dragon scales are tough.
No. 1090225 ID: 6290ec
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Anyway, guess it's time to continue this whole 'meeting people' thing. Where to?

A: Park.
According to Keireer, there's a gator-woman hanging out at the pond. She's from a backwater community. Even more backwater than this place. Keireer asks you to keep an open mind, since she's still adjusting to the sensibilities of non-reptilians...

B: Gym.
A 'nearvan' often works out here. Nearvans are avian creatures Apparently he's a musician? It could be neat to hear him play something! Keireer warns he's a little... flirty. But don't worry, she says, she'll make sure he flirts with her instead of you!

C: Return to the mall.
Speaking of nearvans, there's also one here. He's also a musician... Keireer insists it's not the same person. He's also flirty, but in a more playful and non-serious way?? You couldn't imagine being like that.

D: Dragon Fan Club.
Keireer looks around nervously. There's a... creature here that's hard to describe. But she's really nice, Keireer insists! She is... multiple creatures at the same time? With one 'main' body and uh... just don't worry about that right now, haha. She's really nice!

E: Docks.
An owl-like birb is here! She's out to explore the world and see the sights, and is apparently good at sneaking up on people? Oh gosh.

F: Library.
Apparently there's a science-focused kigavi who hangs out here? Kigavi are quadrupedal bird-like creatures with 2 wings and 4 legs. Apparently they have both beans and sossiges??

G: Spa.
A creature known as a 'yinget' frequents the spa. They're smaller creatures with long thin limbs, long necks, and a big ol tooth in the front of their mouth. You might have to fight the urge to pet her.

H: Lake.
There's a 'keybain' living here hanging out at the lake. Keybains are another species of um, bird. Gosh, Keireer knows a lot of birds, huh? Keireer reports she's really chill, and really really sleepy. Wait, hold on, did she say in the lake? That's not a safe place to sleep! ...Keireer insists it's probably fine.

I: Daatra's House.
Would Daatra help you out, or make fun of you? Only one way to find out.
No. 1090226 ID: a7a180

D/h, and you have to do I later!
No. 1090227 ID: 5f920e

She doesn't know many guy friends? Well we have to save them last for our slow escalating order of clothes exploding
Primary D, secondary F

...Are we going to meet everyone here eventually? You should pose that ask to Keireer.
No. 1090228 ID: e8918a

...what the hell is at the book club being described, a face stealer???
D or I
No. 1090230 ID: 75f21e

Oh hon, you don't want what it has.

No. 1090231 ID: c5529d

I. Lets meet alternate universe Daatra and see what shes like.

Alt universe Daatra is a bird right? I bet shes a bird

Secondary D
No. 1090232 ID: aa0c8a

Primary B
Secondary A
No. 1090233 ID: 40ef3b

D, b
Come on, you've gotta be a little curious about the multi creature lady, and the dragon fan club. You'll both be passionate about dragons!
And a male friend is gonna be essential at some point too.
Thank Keireer for being patient and a good friend
No. 1090234 ID: b67223

B then A
No. 1090235 ID: be3107

Rip the bandaid now, G B.
No. 1090236 ID: c3fe97

See a guy! Or your coolest friend! B or I
No. 1090238 ID: 1ff64e

Primary H, secondary I.
Your water dragon nature compels you to hang out in the lake too! And swimwear is bound to definitely not cause any problems for you there!
No. 1090239 ID: 056956

Being close to the water gives us a handy way to douse our clothes without revealing we are a dragon! And a handy escape route if we find we are surrounded with too many friends.
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