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1034777 No. 1034777 ID: 8483cf hide watch expand quickreply [Reply] [Last 50 posts] [Last 100 posts]

Attention, duelists! It’s time for a massively multiversal Questden card tournament!

The quest will follow the duelists of Group A in their quest to win the grand prize: their heart’s deepest desire, to be granted by the host of the tournament.

Group A’s Duelists
Name, Author, Quest Title, Wiki Link)
- Lady Serah Kensington, Donut, Lazy Fairy, https://questden.org/wiki/Lazy_Fairy
- Enid Anderson and Franklin, Himitsu, Perpetuity, https://questden.org/wiki/Perpetuity
- The Mystery Duelist, Clockwork Seal, ???, https://questden.org/wiki/ClockworkSeal
- Carl Marks, tippler, Good Impression/Girl Talk/STAY INSIDE https://questden.org/wiki/Good_Impression

- Companionship (and Attendants), Donut, Mosaic, https://questden.org/wiki/Mosaic

Many thanks in advance to all the guest artists providing card art and depictions of duelists!
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No. 1089958 ID: a7a180

A draw spell, everyone's favorite mechanic!
No. 1089967 ID: 4c750c

I’m gonna go with A and 2, as much as I would love another Crate of Greed appearance
No. 1090029 ID: 5ebd37

A, 1
No. 1090035 ID: fc100b


The D stands for Draw
No. 1090039 ID: 91b2f0

D 2
Still Rooting for Franklin and Enid, but they also Have to earn their victory

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1038059 No. 1038059 ID: 629f2e hide watch expand quickreply [Reply] [Last 50 posts] [Last 100 posts]

A mystery/horror quest about children uncovering the horrifying mysteries surrounding their small town.

THREAD 1: https://questden.org/kusaba/quest/res/1010078.html
THREAD 2: https://questden.org/kusaba/questarch/res/1019132.html
THREAD 3B: https://questden.org/kusaba/quest/res/1038066.html
WIKI: https://questden.org/wiki/Perpetuity


And again, you see it all play out, reliving the mistakes exactly as you’d made them on that day. The performance of a tragedy...
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No. 1089291 ID: fc100b

D. Rest and recover, diplomacy isn't Clive's strong point.

A will probably draw Sheppard to us... but it might spook this guy, who clearly doesn't want Sheppard here. Still, I don't like risking it. That would just encourage him to drag Enid away over our objections. So DO NOT PICK A.

Also, violence or struggling will also reinforce his position, and make Clive more tired. So D is the best option.

C is bad because we're on bad terms with Roger, and Albert is terrible with diplomacy too.
No. 1089295 ID: 2fe86a

Considering the two points mentioned before and after our options (If nothing is done Enid is taken away, and Enid being taken away means failure), I can't fully get behind the idea of "Doing Nothing."

There's too many potential points to consider. How and why is Giovanni here? Did he put a tracking device inside one or more of the toys? Even though he and Sheppard are in theory not of aligned interest, it's still a failure either way if Enid is caught by either, which is weird to me.
One choice is death- is it the same for the other, as well?

In my head, B is the option that would be chosen if we didn't exist; a necessary use of violence.
-Albert might stop Clive again (he's injured, it's not a smart choice)
-It could either show Clive cares about Enid, or instead just further prove the misconceptions people have of him
-Overall, a time loss

I don't know what to expect with C, other than maybe being a faster choice than D.

My flawed suggestion is to go with some variation of A;
"And you think he won't kill you too?"

This doesn't necessarily have to be yelled, and it'll probably still make him double guess himself- Giovanni clearly knows more than we do, but that doesn't change the fact that Sheppard's got a gun and no way to see what he's shooting at- if he even cares. He's probably shooting anyone he sees on sight, no questions asked.

Depending on how this is spun, dick move or not, we might be able to temporarily force him to work with us, which might be worth the various risks- losing time, revealing our location, him betraying us later, etc.
No. 1089313 ID: b3eab7

E) Follow.
Wherever he's going, it's away from Sheppard.
No. 1089768 ID: c5529d

A. I actually thought of something

Mr. Snyder highly respected Enid's father, and seems very protective of Enid in particular, enough to not let her get graduated like what happened to Jhonen when he went snooping and instead just try to get her to safety, as evident when he fearfully said “Wh– No! I-I wouldn’t– Fred never wanted…". I think he is trying to protect Enid from the other adults' watchful eye, and from letting her fall into getting graduated from doing anything suspicious like snooping which we are right now.

we also know that from the memo Franklin read to Albert and Clive that “Frederick Anderson’s death has publicly been ruled an accident. His daughter, Enid, is now staying with the Fosters. Enid Foster will be enrolled in Jennfier’s class as she was always meant to be."

Albert pointed out his death was only publicly ruled as accidental, which could be murder. His death is further proved to be murder when Franklin inspected Fred's dead body and found a knife wound and broken skull, further proving it's a murder (tho clive wouldn't know this. But Albert thinking otherwise could be enough to believe it's murder).
And if she was always meant to be in the school and Fredrick was preventing it, it could be that someone took matters into their own hands to ensure Enid was attending the school.

In a way, Snyder might just be on our side, but is too protective to not let us investigate and potentially let us graduate, and can't help us directly as it could result in him getting murdered too. Perhaps maybe if we shout out our guess as to why Fredrick Anderson died, it might just distract him enough to give Enid an opening to convince him not to leave or maybe even give us an answer to Fred's mysterious death if that doesn't work. She is pretty manipulative after all. She just needs an openin
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No. 1090036 ID: 6abcc8

I don't know why I was focusing so much on "time loss", I'm pretty sure that's outside of my judgement for factoring things in- all of these things will take time, it's just a matter of who can get through fastest- which, who knows.

This doesn't sound bad either, although I don't know if us knowing is enough for Clive to think it.
Either way, what we need is for sir-toysalot to falter.
I'd hope for Clive to do this without full-on shouting since that'll no doubt alert Sheppard, but considering Enid being taken is considered a Guaranteed Fail first and foremost, we'll take what we can get.

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1087342 No. 1087342 ID: 15a025 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply] [Last 50 posts]

Another experimental one shot.

*Art style may change at a moments notice or even with in the same update.
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No. 1089939 ID: 2f41db

She has bitemarks aplenty.
That could back up her story or indicate an attack and infection.

No one is being completely straight with you gretchin.
Thats gotta be making you angry.

Dont let her close to you.
Just incase.
Time to see doctor snootmask.
What theyre doing when you sneak back up should be interesting.

Ask what her "treatment" entails.
No. 1089941 ID: 971922

God dammit you didn't come here for all this shit. Where's you wheelbarrow and the rest of you wood!
No. 1089948 ID: 5ebd37

Now if she's telling the truth then the only reason the doctor would let you down here is to trap you. So if you can just walk right back up then this lady is probably suffering paranoia or schizophrenia or something. Either way you're not a doctor, so nothing to be gained yammering down here.
No. 1089977 ID: 184595

At this point, if you stay here any longer, you're gonna need to be ready to stay here for the rest of the night, because your wood is getting away. You can go up before you get locked in here, too, and ask the "doctor" to comment on the patient's story, but you don't have to stay any longer than you feel like, if you can't get any more wood back here. I'm curious to know if the wolves the doctor lets in here wear masks, though; ask the patient about that before ditching to go back upstairs.
No. 1090004 ID: cd10d0

Whatever's wrong with them, they need a real doctor. Some quack in the woods isn't curing anything.

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1080954 No. 1080954 ID: 5ebd37 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply] [Last 50 posts] [Last 100 posts]

(Will contain gore violence and death)

This winter has been harsh.
The snows started in September, by mid October the woods were buried.
Now the new year has brought the worst storm yet, and the dim sun overhead reflects the waning hope of those huddled around fading hearths clutching empty bowls.
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No. 1089728 ID: 7c1f1c

Lisel is the most interesting. I want to hear what sort of alchemy she can do, and understand better what she would most desire from a raid on the house. If we can help her advance her craft, her elixirs so advanced might prove to make life easier for everyone.
No. 1089892 ID: 5ebd37
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Lisel peers at you through thick glass goggles as you approach. The white-furred mouse extends a slim hand from her voluminous sleeve to shake yours. "Tem'rty was it? Pleased to meet you." Glancing around, she drops to a whisper "I couldn't help but overhear, you are curious about the murderous master of this manor? That is an interest we share, my friend. We can talk more when we have a bit of privacy, but suffice to say, this house holds secrets that I have come a long way to obtain."

She reaches into her cuff and retrieves a pair of vials. "In the meantime, I have a few tinctures that, applied to your blade, should provide effects you will find most pleasing. This one" she shakes the greenish goop "has a stunning effect on fungal creatures. It is rather adhesive though, so not as useful in a fight." The other vial has a silvery fluid. "And this one slicks edges for smoother stabbing. It may make chopping a bit harder though, it has not been fully tested. So, would you like to try one?"
No. 1089906 ID: 462d8c

Try the silvery fluid
No. 1089917 ID: 184595

We're hunting fungal creatures; let us take the green goop.

If we want to make a secret ally of her, then it would do us well to make a gesture of goodwill. Ask what she's interested in finding within the mansion, and offer to keep a lookout for it during your hunting.
No. 1089931 ID: d37872

greenish goop, getting stunned in video games is so annoying so use that for a hit and run strategy.

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1019446 No. 1019446 ID: 7a1a17 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply] [Last 50 posts] [Last 100 posts]

Unofficial Discussion thread - https://questden.org/kusaba/questdis/res/129715.html
Wiki - https://questden.org/wiki/The_Family_Business
Family Tradition Chapter 1 - https://questden.org/kusaba/questarch/res/372338.html

"Pushing the speech forward? You know I just gave one like right before you invaded right? People are going to start getting ideas. Conspiracy nuts will be coming after me. After you for this."

"We anticipate zis. In fact, we are 'oping for it. Ze sooner we identify problem cases in your city, ze sooner we can form plans that isolate zem from ze populace with minimal damage."
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No. 1085548 ID: eb0a9c

So... the Hegemony is a proper, honest-to-the-gods democracy, but there has been no work done on improving or compromising against the inherent weakness of long-term tribal arguing. On principle.

"Y'know, less people would join the bad guys if the good guys didn't present sitting around solving nothing as a virtue."

And to that effect, I think we should work on getting Anders and the other Hegemony grunts to defect. Really, she saved your mid-official ass (somehow), that should count for a lot. Vivian and her team can wait, they're elite agents and they've waited through worse.
No. 1087601 ID: 1e0c72
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Giant explosion, everyone dies again.
No. 1087657 ID: 8f9bc4

No. 1088770 ID: 7a1a17
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Good point. I don't really have many options left to me. Which means I'll probably need all the help I can get. I'd feel better with Viv but she probably wouldn't be sticking around waiting for me would she? She'll be long gone. And better they come with me than rotting in an Imperial holding block. Well time to see if my lessons in speaking paid off.

:nusergei:"Heyha, are you done with my assistant?"

"Your assistant?"

"Your assistant?"

:nusergei:"Yes, Miss Bellany is my assistant, and the best that I've had. And I would like to have her back now."

"And you are?"

:nusergei:"G-Governor Sergei. I believe you've heard of me."

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No. 1088773 ID: eb0a9c

"Captain Balzhemund lent his slave to me as a favor, after his experimental Gormoamhi cyborgs went rampant and tried to kill me. Said he'd pick her up in 50 years. And yes, I know Balzhemund's a human. Or at least, he was.
Guy's a @#$%ing maniac. Did you know he sleep-experimented on himself to replace his jaw? Point is, I fully intend to process Anders' complete defection to the Rezan Empire to keep her the @#$% away from him."

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1009279 No. 1009279 ID: 5fc3a0 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply] [Last 50 posts] [Last 100 posts]

6 Months Later

33-67. The first of the preliminary polls came in, and people who want to stay in town outnumber us nearly an exact two to one.
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No. 1089561 ID: 53560f

Keep this memory as something to cherish. Delay extraction by a few hours and enjoy yourself.
No. 1089570 ID: 273c18

Delay long enough for you to get away from these two without making them worry about you. If they think you got kidnapped they'll investigate and potentially cause problems or get killed. Plus if you leave on good terms they might be a useful resource in the future!

>crumple cipher
Does Current Pillet know of any papers found that had crumples on them that might be enciphered like that? Maybe the newspaper we found in the fountain?
No. 1089577 ID: fa3034

Give them two hours. One to head back and hopefully part ways amicably, another to head to extraction and make sure you're not followed.
No. 1089859 ID: b2fb15

Say "No, bit tired is all." then scratch your left ear once or twice.
Be very careful to make sure it's the left one.
No. 1089889 ID: 15a025

Play it by ear so to say and just scratch your ear to delay by an hour for now.

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1084585 No. 1084585 ID: 681cb5 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply] [Last 50 posts]

Wiki and previous threads: https://questden.org/wiki/Scion_of_the_Old_Blood

“Gazhtur! That which watched from beyond the stars, I call upon Thee! Nazhir! The formless lurker from the gulf between thresholds, I summon Thee! Urk’og! A devourer of worlds, of realities, I welcome you! The seals have been broken! The gates have been thrown open! Come, and bless us with your presence, oh end of endings! ” – Bövel Kråkholme, the last sermon held on the edge of oblivion.
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No. 1089852 ID: 681cb5
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No. 1089853 ID: 681cb5
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With shaking hands, you pull yourself up onto the edge, thanking your father for insisting that you join in on his hunts in your youth.

You really hope the worst is over…
No. 1089854 ID: 681cb5
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Going even deeper into the gullet of the great stone leviathan, you soon find yourself at a dead end. In front of you is a massive wall, decorated with stone carvings that have to be thousands of years old. Depicting a person standing between two pillars above the symbol of graves, with worshippers bowing before them on each side, they raise their hands towards the sky… towards a single eye in the palm of a giant hand. The Red Star.

Wait, you can see footprints going towards the wall before disappearing… rabbit footprints. Chris been here, and recently too! Looking closer, you spot a small seam climbing up the massive stone slab in front of you, clearly indicating that this wall is in fact a door. A door that’s two massive stone blocks weighting probably hundreds upon hundreds of tons. How in god’s name can anyone move this!?

You search the area around you, but find nothing. There are no hidden levers, buttons or other contraptions nearby. But how do you open the gate? Hmm… did you read something about this back in the library? Or in the mansion? You have to get through, because there is no other way out, now that the bridge is gone.

…you can feel it staring at you from above, as if expecting something…

Strange Flute
Strange Lens
Music Box (without it’s windup key)
Old Photo Album
Oil Lamp
Your Wedding Ring 
Pocket Flask of Strong Whiskey
Bottle of Grease
No. 1089879 ID: 8f9bc4


Hmm... if you had the coffin from earlier... it can't be the lens, since Chris went through. What was it you read from that book in the library? Seems like a lifetime ago! Star worshippers, beyond the bowl of tiny fires, ritual appeasements, carved beacons but you don't have a beacon!
No. 1089887 ID: 15a025

Ah! It's just like that painting with the brown rabbit in purple robes back at the mansion. The attunement I believe it was called. Are there some pillars and an alter in the room? You may have to get up on the alter and perform some kind of dance and musical performance with the strange flute.

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1083617 No. 1083617 ID: 6be2b4 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply] [Last 50 posts] [Last 100 posts]

First time doing a quest, bear with me if I mess up. :)
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No. 1089835 ID: 8f9bc4

Oof, a lot to unpack.

> what kind of fucked up do you have to be to build a hidden underground temple like this?

Judging from the state of decay of the priests, a hidden underground temple worked pretty well for hiding a box like this! That's why it'll be safer here than in your possession while you try to learn what to do with it. But uh...

> I’m honestly afraid if I leave it here, I’ll go insane.

You feel it more than we do. If you feel that merely moving in the opposite direction of the box is enough to drive you mad, then that's not an option.

> I think Geas might be one, but I’ve only been a priest of Cassilda for a bit. I’m hardly capable of something like that.

Someone sure was, since you seem to have a Geas on you, Tanna. It's very similar to being enthralled by an artifact though, so not sure. If you have a Geas you're kinda screwed since you can't remember the wording, so even if you take the box, you could accidentally violate some clause in it you don't remember.

> I didn’t think Cassilda would send an amnesiatic thief as an answer to my prayers,
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No. 1089846 ID: 2f41db

You're right.
They're not.

You hear that tanna? The yellow eyes have got to be us.

Oh.well, thats got implications.
Ingore that, slinky.
Focus on the job at hand.
Capturing one hostile alive for the protection test.
The other wind was right.
Jacob is already debilitated whoevers side hes on.
No. 1089858 ID: dd3fe0


Eh, it could just be an indicator of activity on the channel we use to communicate
No. 1089885 ID: 15a025

Are you hearing or reading his thoughts with that spell? Looks like all they're hearing or thinking about is "OPEN THE BOX"
No. 1090064 ID: 273c18

I wonder if saying the name of the item is a bad idea?

Luring someone away from the others would be a good opening gambit. If we can disarm them before the others arrive to help them that's a big advantage since we have several casts of disabling spells/scrolls and a 2v2 is basically an instant win (so long as they fail their saving throws).
Once they're disabled you can rush in, grab the cursed item, and then we barricade the door of whatever room combat took place in. That'll buy enough time to escape. The only real issue after escaping is, how will she rescue the others? Maybe she can go to a church for help and bring some clerics or mercs along for the return trip to more easily overpower them if they're still affected? In the meantime you'll have to take the cursed item somewhere where it can be properly sealed away. I expect once you have the container again it will start influencing you to try to open it, but we should be able to fight its influence enough to prevent that.

If Protection from Evil works to block the influence then we have the option of leaving the thing behind...

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1078544 No. 1078544 ID: 7ae8e6 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply] [Last 50 posts] [Last 100 posts]

This is an NSFW Quest about sex, robots, and identity.

Welcome to the world.
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No. 1089744 ID: 861ceb

might as well be blunt and just ask the girl. Just start off apologizing and ask if you know her as you recent are recovering from a operation accident that has left your memory a bit patchy.
No. 1089772 ID: 940726

I've got a question for Jack. Why are you doing this when you clearly don't want to? Before, you had always made decisions based on what you thought was the best idea, even if only one or two of us mentioned it, or you came up with it on your own without our input. It was never a matter of you just doing what you think people want; our role is to advise you, not control you. What's making you act differently now?

I'm honestly concerned about this. Your behavioral patterns were consistent before they suddenly changed, right when you started to disagree with Hax. Is she already messing with your mind? Can she even do that?

I'm saying we should refuse to do something Jack doesn't want to do, and should go with what he was planning instead, because Hax threatened his life.

This is not something we can just laugh off. This is a big deal. Hax is threatening Jack's life, and that makes her an enemy. This isn't about whether we get to meet a cute girl or not, it's about whether our host can keep control of his own mind.

This isn't something we can put off for later, either. What's happening here and now is, by far, the most important time to show resistance. If we give in to Hax's death threats now and talk about it later, she'll feel smug about how she got what she wanted and come up with some dismissive excuse to justify herself. Then the next time she wants t
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No. 1089793 ID: c5529d

Yeah, tell her you had a botch operation, and may have forgotten stuff. So if she knew you, you probably forgot

Check her stats.
No. 1089861 ID: ebae20

HAX activate xray vision
No. 1089878 ID: 8f9bc4

Need to find the AHN index then!

...it's back where we started, isn't it.

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1084176 No. 1084176 ID: 0d1c28 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply]

This is a NSFW clothing damage adventure!
the quest will contain nudity and violence and possibly some sexual content
Lewd suggestions are encouraged but not required.

celebrate your future, celebrate your doom and prolong your final moments

This quest is funded by Patreon,
if you'd like to see more consider sending a few coins!

Previous Threads

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No. 1089686 ID: 0d1c28
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Nethar can't bother himself further dwelling on the Heronne incident, ultimately everyone in the city was and still are expendable as far as he's concerned.
Kalez's misguided attachments and fickle goals are meaningless when compared to the dictates of the King of Pentacles.

The dreadful song now that deserves his attention. 'That blasted music, girls doesn't it drive you mad?'

Mifal snaps back first 'Oh definitely! We had to shut Laret up right fast!'

Fason growls 'It was driving us mad, would that we had a more permanent solution for Laret'

'So you don't hear it anymore?'Nethar questions Laret muffles a response but it's unintelligible.

'I still hear echoes sometimes reading is enough to drown it out though'Solia muses

Remia bows her head 'it's hard not to have it stuck in our heads, so annoying, forgive us for disturbing your first acolyte'

Nethar thinks, was it just a tune stuck in his head? a haunting memory? no too unfamiliar too loud, he hears it even know.
he focusses on the words.

... burning....
..... So filled with wrath, so filled..... hate!
such an endless need.... the world great!

No. 1089690 ID: fdc0ea

It’s possibly a song about Kalez and not one that’d get past the censors. If she can’t hear it, if it’s only you, your mind may be vulnerable right now.
No. 1089694 ID: 7c55ad

I think whatever song is playing in your head is in Laret's head too. Perhaps she is suffering the same curse you are? she looks like she is suffering, and not just because of getting gagged.

lets remove that pumpkin and question her about her current condition.

maybe the song is the same but her lyrics are different? maybe she is hearing one verse and you are hearing another? if she and you can hear it and not her sisters, this song might be directed only towards certain people for some reason
No. 1089702 ID: abdf18

What exactly did that one head do to make the others want to muzzle it with a……is that a pumpkin?
No. 1089766 ID: c5529d

they said she was singing, and it was annoying them. Whether she is singing because she has the same issue we have is something we need to know.

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1089327 No. 1089327 ID: 681cb5 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply]


These are the voyages of the starship The Shed Scale. Its continuing mission: to explore strange new worlds. To seek out new life and new civilizations. To boldly come where no one has come before!

It’s a small thrust for you… but a huge plunge for Sakkilian kind!

Wiki and previous threads: https://questden.org/wiki/Starlight_Afterglow
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No. 1089654 ID: 2a82d3

>“Oh… I…err…” she blushes slightly, “I might need some more help with that… I’ll…” averting her gaze, she says, “I’ll need some more volunteers for that.”
Add "Assist Doxy with the Wroknir Integration project" to the list. (It's cute when she's needs encouragement.)

>we need a clearance level of at least Admiral to access it.
I know you've been ambitious about career prospects, but it's pretty early for you to promote yourself. Jokes aside, it's not a bad idea to spoof credentials for access. She'd make a good addition to the crew, if you can get her to cooperate. It'd be a shame not to get to know her better you don't even know her name.

Maybe she'd activate with the right keywords. Openly discuss the ship's your mission and status in front of the cyborg. If that doesn't catch her interest, maybe the ship's development and potential as a colony ship would.

Failing that, you'll have to put her back in storage. Ideally, you have someone to keep an eye on her, or try to reverse engineer what she's got.
No. 1089655 ID: 273c18

Try your credentials. If they don't work, put the cyborg back in cryo. Though I am sure whoever's in there has been fully vetted and is not going to go crazy killer on us, she might not obey commands when there's no Admiral on board which would mean... eh... well okay maybe that wouldn't be so bad. Maybe leaving her out of cryo is fine in case there's an automatic boot sequence. Later when we have more than one ship, you can be officially promoted to Admiral and your credentials should work then, right? Sigh, if only we had this lady with us during the Tuul mission, it would've been much easier. They'd make a fine security officer otherwise, though we might want to double check the safeties on that cannon... is there some kind of hard-wired shutoff that prevents it being used during space travel?

Oh, one thing we can try before the cryo solution... can they interface somehow with it to communicate to whoever's inside? Like, is she conscious right now or do the implants keep her in a coma until fully activated? In the latter case, even then we could see if there's some sort of maintenance program we can use to check for problems before anything is fully activated. Safety first.
No. 1089662 ID: 5ebd37

What's the status on the cyborg's life support, will it's organic parts die outside of cryo if it isn't activated? If yes then ice it for now, otherwise keep analyzing and hopefully find a way to communicate without fully waking it up.
No. 1089673 ID: dd3fe0

So if you want boob armor, you're supposed to do something like the peascod breastplate, except the bulge is at the top not the bottom. Uniboob style. Or maks it not boob armor, like flak armor or most sorts of biped armor, just press the breasts down. Why channel shots into the middle of the chest? Who would design that for something this obviously expensive?
No. 1089687 ID: ca9c55

There is a person under that armor, and their quality of life remains your responsibility (both engineers and captain), within reason. Stop with the 'it' nonsense. Establishing communication is top priority, assuming life support is stable. Are there any signals coming or going? Someone should be talking with her regularly, keeping her up to date on things, making her feel as part of the crew, building a rapport, just in case she's half conscious.
And check for a physical on switch: redundancy is important, and that 'breast' plate suggests someone either had enough empathy to include a workaround, or would be horny enough to joke about 'turning on' a cyborg.

Those thighs could absolutely crush someone's head though.

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1082438 No. 1082438 ID: 2916f1 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply] [Last 50 posts] [Last 100 posts]

A Sci-Fi Mystery Quest about Ethics, Loss and Finding Oneself

Thread 1: https://questden.org/kusaba/quest/res/1079873.html
Discussion Thread: https://questden.org/kusaba/questdis/res/141592.html
Wiki: https://questden.org/wiki/History_Unmade

You're trying to get used to this face of yours; to the artificiality of it, the familiarity and the sadness it invokes. You imagine it will take time. Your captors helpfully reinstalled the mirror above your sink but you're starting to understand why you might have taken it down in the first place. Before the amnesia.

With this face comes a name: Disquiet-247. Disq for short, you've decided. A familiar name, but devoid of context like so much in your life right now.

You still have so many questions. Shyama put his foot down though. Said you clearly needed a break. Maybe he's right. Maybe this is a good time to collect your thoughts.
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No. 1089633 ID: 5ebd37

Shyama is getting real passive aggressive with this arrow analogy. As an amnesiac, all topics hold equal relevance for now. If He thinks you should be talking about something specific he should just say so and not talk down to you.
No. 1089647 ID: eb0a9c

They pulled a Billy Bat, and faked the moon landing so they could merge the fake movie with the real moon landing to manipulate the public into limiting their attention of the moon, which in this timeline is mega-@#$%ing important.

Same old insanity from the ruling classes; money is not backed by goods or services, it is once again backed by slaves, the labels rebranded yet again.
No. 1089671 ID: e7219b

He keeps demanding we stop strying into "pointless"topics but keeps dodging the question when we ask what is important.

We know they're here because of some sort of "crisis" and he keeps getting annoyed when we don't focus on addressing topics relevent to this crisis but he also won't bloody well tell us what the crisis is!
No. 1089672 ID: dd3fe0


Yea, what the fuck is up with this?
No. 1089680 ID: dd3fe0


Also, we have to apparently be in a particular state of mind to listen to these presumably horrible details, but they also won't tell us what state of mind that is, so we could practice mindfulness meditations or whatever to try and get to that point or spend some time bracing ourselves against whatever the bad news is or perhaps suggest appropriate stimuli or methods to get us to that state of mind!

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1087705 No. 1087705 ID: 588b52 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply] [Last 50 posts]

A spore lands on [SOMETHING], which rests on [SOMETHING]. [SOMETHING] grows nearby. Your senses are limited. Your knowledge is limited. However, you have some control over yourself - with some effort, you could roll off of [SOMETHING] and onto the [SOMETHING] it rests on, or the [SOMETHING] that is growing here. You feel that your choice, at this point, will more or less determine what sort of thing you will, eventually, become.

Potential pulses within your spore capsule, waiting to be realized.

You are not a normal mushroom.

>Roll off [SOMETHING]
>Roll towards the other [SOMETHING]
>Stay on [SOMETHING]
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No. 1089580 ID: e1a09b
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It is perhaps the largest amount of dead flesh you've yet encountered. Taken as part of a creature, it is intimidating in scope. Perhaps the strange shape had been a part of it, but who can know?

In any case, you get to work. It is easy stuff, the mycelial network spreading, converting, repurposing quickly. There are tissues you cannot change - the bones within the mass cannot be converted. The ones inside you, and within the findings from Clumsy, are also off-limits. The bone within your core remains of dubious use, but is kept due to the trouble of ejecting it. These ones are much larger, heavier. They, too, remain within the biomass. Probably I could shape the mass to remove them, but there may be a use for them.

Speaking of uses.

This mass is easily ten times your current size. There are many uses for it, but presently, I need to come to a decision on one. And there's the matter of the bones - two large ones in the center mass, several smaller ones in the lesser masses Clumsy found. But those can wait.

>Convert the mass into bricks of fungiwood, providing shelter from the elements and allowing construction of something more permanent here.
>Convert the mass into a stronger host body, SEPARATE FROM your current one. This will lead to other options.
>Convert the mass into enhancements for your CURRENT host body. This will also lead to other options.
>Convert the mass into something less permanent than fungiwood, to set up a temporary base or a stash for later.
No. 1089581 ID: 273c18

Use it to enhance CURRENT body.
No. 1089588 ID: 184595

Yes, bolster your strength as you are. There are other adversaries here, and you will need your strength to fend them off and add their strength, too, to your own.

Is nimble strong enough to move things? It might be a good task to consolidate the lesser masses into a stockpile that you can access later at your leisure. Once you have established territory to defend, it might make sense to start constructing fungiwood defenses for it.

Remember, you are not a normal mushroom.
No. 1089591 ID: 2f41db

Enhance current body.

See if nimble and clumsy can coordinate.
Stronger together.
Nimble finds and guides and clears obstructions.
Clumsy lends his mass and strength to the jobs.

As to the bones.
They are a heavy but strong scaffold on which you can build.
But there is more.
Dedicate a small number of the thinnest mycelium to probe it carefully for cracks that can be leveraged over time.
There are rich, complex protiens inside bones and while not worth focusing on as a dedicated task, a minor but persistant effort may return great rewards.
No. 1089623 ID: 5ebd37

your current body is good, make it better.
if there's any mass left over turn it into fwood

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1052796 No. 1052796 ID: fce62b hide watch expand quickreply [Reply] [Last 50 posts] [Last 100 posts]

((Previous Chapter: https://questden.org/kusaba/questarch/res/1039664.html ))
488 posts and 290 images omitted. Click Reply to view.
No. 1089378 ID: 273c18

The most compelling argument I can think of is that by keeping Alex alive we can take shelter in a human settlement away from other zombies, and provide services for them that only we can provide. Body modification, inside information, plague antibodies. It would of course require our entire Nation to be Traitor in some way so that we can act that way. The Rules are quite clear about not being able to give information or interfere with the plague.
Unfortunately, Amalgam's dark truth isn't flexible enough to allow these actions! They'd all go on public record. And we can't act fully during the day either. We'd need a way to FULLY bypass the Rules to do that sort of thing... As far as I know, only we Talkingheads can do that, so the secret lies inside us somehow.
Okay, alternate plan: We keep Alex alive so that the infection goes completely unnoticed, which would allow us to infiltrate a human settlement and infect those inside. It would require a novel way of transferring the infection of course... oh that's a problem, the System restricts transmission methods.

[A]sk Amalgam: What are the Talkingheads, exactly?
No. 1089391 ID: eff5fd

There is a square-rectangle thing going on here, I think. All [creators] are part of a super-set but not all -or even much- of the super-set are [creators]. Similarly all [traitors] are [nation] but not all [nation] are [traitors]. So less that you are becoming more similar to the [creators] specifically but more similar to the super-set [creators] belong to. It probably scares them when they look at [nation] drones and see anything that is even remotely like them/their super-set. The [creators] have things like [nation] Rules and Truths, and in order to not violate their equivalent of Rules, [nation]s must not resemble them or their super-set, hence any [nation] that looked to them like they were headed that way were eliminated, lest they violate their Rules. As above, so below. ((intentionally not naming humans/[leviathans]. Initial draft did, realized that was probably a mistake))
This may be a technically we can exploit, we/Alex as [leviathan] could be a [creator]. Currently we/Alex have not created, but we/Alex can create, thus anything we/Alex create should have Alex as [creator] to them, and thus make us/Alex able to rival the authority of the original [creators]

If we get even more ambitious and can generalize the process we are doing here enough for external deployment we may be able to get [leviathans] to voluntarily receive and propagate [nation]. Unfortunately all [nation] scale [leviathan] defenses are automated though so that part wouldn't get easier, but the [lexicon] should show that there is a way to 'diffuse' them more-or-less generally

That is a fun truth. Can it also be 'the left hand doesn't know what the right hand is doing' at the same tim
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No. 1089396 ID: f2320a

we are the left hand does not know the right hand but beyond that the fingers do not know what the hand does, does not know what the other fingers does..... vice presidents body fits this we are the tree we are the branches and we do not know what the tree or other branches does beyond there immediate stated intent or action....are we the branches or are we the trunk does the branches branch from the trunk or does the branches merge to become the trunk where is the beginning where is the end and many waus we are also the invisible guiding hand the long arm of justice the hand of the free market are we being dragged or are we pulling the chain?
No. 1089458 ID: 011305

>We cannot be turning into the [overseers]! That is the last thing any of us would want!
Let us rephrase. What both of you are is competent just in differing ways. While you are good at figuring solutions within the narrow grip of the overseers, we have inferred a little of the overseers. What they are competent at is gathering power for themselves. Our evidence is the tenets themselves. Especially rule 3. Veto the rest of this if you believe it would be dangerous. Our design allows us to see things the [leviathan] does. What we have learned lets us understand the goals they have. Our deductions may be flawed but the implications are... worth considering. Forbidden airborne spread was to obscure what they are doing and to stop accidental infection of non-VCs. From this we speculate the overseers are the non-VCs. Should that be the case... what they seek to do is use you as [loyalty officers] to VC [leviathans], while they act as [loyalty officers] to all [nations]. Summarized, power is the goal and you are pawns so they have no care if you suffer so long as power is theirs to have.
No. 1089597 ID: feecf0

I figured {Our} [Truth] worked like that but it's nice to get some confirmation.

Would it be correct it state then that {Our} existence is a way for you to kinda circumvent your own limitations? {We} are technically not you after all.

>Something else afoot
All this time I've been operating under the assumption that the [creators] want to create another intelligent species that they have full evolutionary control over. Such a thing would fit well with the censorship of human texts and old testament iconography they've been using.
The thing I'm questioning about all this is when will they stop? Will they stop when they've taken over the whole country or does our existence mean to be a "second flood" to them?
Wild theories aside the [creators] No doubt have more planned for the [projects] than how they've been using them so far.
If they are working via a plan then I'd take a wild guess that the thirtieth day mark (the day that coincidentally our judgement would fall on) would be the day their plans shift.

To: [Amalgam]
It's kinda a small thing to ask considering what you are and what we've been discussing but would it be alright to ask for the [Presidents] [Minister] profile? I wanted to ask before but my fellow [talkingheads] decided against that for obvious reasons.

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1070092 No. 1070092 ID: 770f88 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply] [Last 50 posts] [Last 100 posts]

An Elimination Style Quest (Like Danganronpa)
Nsfw: Nudity, Blood and Gore, Intense themes.
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No. 1089551 ID: 3f89df
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I'm jolted awake as the Snake tears its way through my flesh until I'm nothing but a carcass; despite my nerves feeling the pain of exposed flesh, It seems that it was just a dream, and despite my pleadings, it seems that I'm still stuck in Ultima's hell.

Something's off; Alex is missing, and I feel I'm not alone; my lucky foot seems to be twitching like mad, but It may just be spasms. Before I look for this presence, I call out, "Hello? If someone's in here, then state yourself, Or Else I'll have to hurt you."

I await a response or reaction from the deathly quiet room.
No. 1089582 ID: 42bb51

Hi, we are your footvoices

Is it hot in here or is it just me?
No. 1089585 ID: 940726

What was that? What's going on? Are we in danger?

Don't try to hurt us! We don't mean any harm! We're not going to threaten you!
No. 1089589 ID: eb0a9c

Hi, we're your new advisors! We were merged with you for quicker access!


Please don't kill yourself, we want to live.
No. 1089593 ID: 2fb549

Look Magicli put us in your foot and... well... BY ULTRAVISC HAVE MERCY WE DON'T WANT TO DIE!

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1066863 No. 1066863 ID: 770f88 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply] [Last 50 posts] [Last 100 posts]

An Open-Word Style (W.I.P) journey! (SFW)
Uses some DnD systems.
Rules stated inside the quest or thread takes priority over old material.
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No. 1089542 ID: 3f89df
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:maincharacter1_skrunkly_noblush_anims: “Actually I Do have cooties.”
His eyes widen as he immediately drops you and licks every part of him that you have touched.
:splotchy_disgusted_anims: “EwEwEWEWEWEWWW! I Just touched a Cootie Haver! I bleh- need to get this disgusting filth off of me!!”
The bucket head backs away.
: splotchy_angry_anims: “Whatcha lookin at?!” Splotched Barks. The Bucket Kobold shakes as he raises a finger.
: buckethead_angry_noanims.png: “You- You have Splotches!!!”
The Splotched boy begins to cry.
:splotchy_sad_anims: “No-Wait, I don’t have cooties I swear!”
Buckethead turns and dashes away, screaming: “Splotchy has Cooties! Run for your Lives! Splotchy has Cooties!”
Splotchy dashes after him. “Wait- No! Buckethead please don’t leave me!!
As you watch the two Buffoons runoff, You feel Fiber tug your shoulder.
No. 1089543 ID: 3f89df
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:fiber_scared_noblush_noanims: “I know that wasn't your true answer, Now that they're gone, I was just wondering, what do you identify as?”
:maincharacter1_happy_noblush_anims: “Well, after pondering it for a long time, I decided that you couldn’t be the only girl.
:maincharacter2_normal_noblush_animss: “So… you’re my sister?”
:maincharacter1_skrunkly_noblush_noanim: “Yeah!”
:fiber_pissed_noanims: “Well, I just wanted to say, thank you for standing up to the bullies for me, I swear if they opened their mouths just a little bit longer, I would have clobbered them!
:maincharacter1_happy_noblush_noanims: “No problem sis, After all, what are sisters for?”
:fiber_embarssed_noanims: “Awwww” And Fiber goes to hug, you and you embrace her.
Your relationship with fiber has increased.
No. 1089544 ID: 3f89df
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After chatting with Fiber for a few more minutes, hear a bell’s loud dong echo throughout the field, the lanterns that glowed parts of the field, and the main path begins to fade, as the lanterns around you do the same. You notice some slashing drakes start to enter the field, They quickly wrangle up all of the kids, plop them onto their backs, and then ascend to the tower, it’s Strong stone gates are covered slightly by moss as the tower meets the same, as you’re identify the structural strength of this tower, your attention is quickly diverted towards the door frame. As you notice, a large pure-blood slashing kobold comes out from the door, their body covered in a thick spirally fur, covering every part of them not clothed, except for their maw. Their voice is androgynous, as well as their demeanor.
“Greetings I’m Gierul, Head Dragonist of this tower, are you hatchlings ready to learn to provide for our tribe?
You, Fiber, and a whole bunch of kobolds nod. “Good, now come with me as we get you acquainted here, and you see a bunch of other pure-blood dragonists appear as they and the drakes surround you.
In the tour, Guriel shows off what you’d expect from a place like this, your barracks, the dining room, and where the toilets are located.
No. 1089545 ID: 3f89df
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When the tour is finished, you're all brought to a vast room, which curves upwards so that everyone can see, regardless of size; however, bludgeoning kobolds are put towards the back, while you and the other slashing kobolds appear by the front. Guriel begins to speak.
“Because what an individual kobold may do varies from kobold to kobold, we’ll provide a wide variety of classes so that every kobold will have a variety that works for them. However, three classes are required.
Basic Building, Basic Combat, and Hunting and Gathering; besides that you’ll be able to take about five extra classes of your choice realistically.
The following classes are:

Advanced Physical Combat.
Illusion Magic:
Necrotic Magic:
Abjuration Magic.
Conjuration Magic:
Transmutation Magic:
Divination Magic:
Enchantment Magic:
Cultural Studies:
Religious Studies:
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No. 1089590 ID: eb0a9c

Nom Nom:
Deck Mage
Transmutation Magic
Enchantment Magic
Arcane Studies

Dueling and 1v1 Combat
Religious Studies
Abjuration Magic
Dexterity and Fine Motor Skills

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1040912 No. 1040912 ID: fd2dfa hide watch expand quickreply [Reply] [Last 50 posts] [Last 100 posts]

This is a test game. A test for a very simplified system that I want to see if it works or not. It may be subject to change mid-game if it’s not working as intended. Expect violence.
Discussion - https://questden.org/kusaba/questdis/res/129715.html
Wiki - https://questden.org/wiki/The_Family_Business

The world’s in a period of great upheaval. Centuries old rule is being challenged. Old magic and primal forces rage across the land. Old and terrible gods set their eyes upon creation. It is a time of great story and great heroes.

But this isn’t one of them.
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No. 1087602 ID: 1e0c72
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The jotna ponders its existence and how flammable the planet is.

(For real though, I need more specific action and some dice)
No. 1087604 ID: eb0a9c

Joanir - Keep wailing on the isolated target, disengage if one flanks
Viyasda - Vanish again, prepare to backstab whichever Valkyn looks like the leader
Norberg - Spend a turn defending the gunner
Jiang Qi - Finish the downed Valkyn off
Balboran - Check for survivors, heal them if you can
No. 1087611 ID: a7a180

For real though, you still haven't given us a list of specific actions. Telling everyone to 'attack' over and over is redundant.
No. 1089418 ID: 868f55

(I'll give you that. But I was looking for more specifics. Actions are context sensitive. Like an action for two characters can be something like "Balboran and Jiang Qi pick up the carpet and use it to catch a charging valkyn". That's a tactical decision, and I'd roll the combined tactical score.

Or maybe Jiang Qi throws out a firecracker to distract the Valkyn and blind them. That's an esoteric roll. If you think a character can do it, then you can use it.)
No. 1089504 ID: eb0a9c

Joanir pommels the Valkyn's midsection from below, and follows up with a heaving throw using his mace as a lever.
Viyasda vanishes, clinging to the ceiling so she can assassinate whichever Valkyn splits up next.
Norberg protects the mercenaries from any surprise attacks, giving them a moment to catch their breath and reload
Balboran checks the bodies of the other dead mercenaries. If they can't be revived, he'll scavenge their weapons and try to come up with something.
Jiang Qi throws that firecracker (if in Esoteric Stance) or and stabs any downed Valkyn in a fatal area while everyone is distracted (If in Battle stance). Has she taken the war vial yet?

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1088718 No. 1088718 ID: 7a1a17 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply]

This will be a NSFW quest! Expect nudity, violence, gore, sexual intercourse, confusing story lore, cryptic bullshit, borked updates, and stupid names
Discussion - https://questden.org/kusaba/questdis/res/129715.html
Wiki - https://questden.org/wiki/The_Family_Business (I swear I'll actually do something to this page. Someday...)

Pain. Dizziness. Nausea. Loss of Appetite. A typical morning for me.
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No. 1089382 ID: eb0a9c

Dang, my intel got stale. Least we're in the right clan territory.
Okay, quick recap: We started out by guiding a party of six survivors. Guk used to the be the leader, but he went crazy with paranoia and I expect the other tribes hate his guts. He rules over the spies. Sizzala's the head matriarch, master battlemage, if you need to piss her off fast, go after her sons. The twins Saqrar and Seqrar are the mages in charge of what passes for 'technomagick', but they're only smart in terms of studying magic, hence the wacky experiments. There were two others, but they're long dead. We recruited Waya, the captain of the huntresses, and Bizangi, the head courtesan. Mix in the dozens of slaves they captured and bred, and you've got a whole city-state. All usurped and ruled by the iron fist of that short-tempered loser who's been brainwashing the bunnies.

Explain that you're a servant of the Leader; you were supposed to bring some important cargo by boat to a specific location, because apparently the last time someone tried to bring that specific type of cargo through the giant green portal it exploded - or something, you weren't given details and you don't care. Long story short, ship gets wrecked, your Ootanshi Karved slave spontaneously goes nuts, and you were chasing after him in your skivvies when you ended up tripping down here. You were going to find the nearest Mistress and explain the situation so you could report to Clan Yish before the big guy gets angry of waiting for his shipment - again - and Soul Karves you for incompetence. Compared to that, insulting every huntress in the cave at once is preferable.
No. 1089392 ID: b3eab7

Tell her you got mixed up because your old man feared a cunning Gormoamhi named Saqrar, but you forgot it was long ago.
No. 1089393 ID: dd3fe0

Question for you: what do you know of the rules of inter-species fertility among sapient races? Who is compatible, under what circumstances, what results, what influences things, etc.?

Possible high risk, high-reward line of questioning: 'I've heard old tales of your species culture, mostly about other tribes, so I don't know if it's true. Is it true that you separate 'female-gender-role' from 'having-female-sexual-bits' for, uh, 'non-people'? And that mating with 'female-gender-people' is how you turn 'non-people' into 'half-people', a sort of higher class? Or is that something only the males of your species do? I'm confused with the details! I admit, I ask because I find you appealing! Is it taboo for one like you to mate with a male-sexual-bits non-person in your first heat? Or is it the act of having a child with one, but not, say, the sorts of sex that don't produce progeny, that's taboo? Something else? How does any of this work? Like, I heard a tale you value virgins more or something like that?'

And if pressed on how you know this, you'd answer 'Other tribes of your species used to sometimes send your enslaved 'half-people' to talk the young and horny of other species into joining their tribes sort-of willingly, with stories of living lives full of limitless sexual hedonism and debauchery, and with no responsibilities of note. Needless to say, such tales, of course, spread like wildfire! I presume important details are left out or exaggerated or lost; the tales are old. I just don't know where or what.'

Now... the problem with this is twofold. ONE, you are giving out a lot of information, and admitting limits to your knowledge, in the hopes of getting information back. This isn't precisely 'leave them open to gloat about a topic'. TWO, this story is extrapolated from patterns
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No. 1089405 ID: dd3fe0

Also, the females tend to be smarter than the males in this species, except when the females are having their heat. They still might remember things that happened during their heat when their mind clears, though. Also, much of my information from previously is from male 'culture', such as it is. And as such, one should remember that details of male culture are things that the matriarchs could override the importance of when given a chance to run things.

You could ask her if she isn't good at the physical tasks of her gender, surely there's another sort of task that she might excel at? Not knowing what's going on around you is just one sort of thought -- surely there's another type of more mental skill she could do?

IE, you're hinting at her options to learn female, 'use up corpses to power destructive spells' magic, or to learn more intellectual pursuits of the nonpeople to help her clan.
No. 1089413 ID: dd3fe0

Also, ask her, flat out, how do you become a half person, and what exactly is a half person. Maybe even ask her, can she sponsor or make you a half-person?

In general, your objective is to a.) become a half-person, and b.) become a half-person that is specifically claimed as the sole property of someone reasonable. and c.) not have your mind destroyed in becoming a half-person!

Now, we know that males can take 'claim-mate' of people they fancy to be their fucktoys. We know males of this species are unreasonable as fuck. We know females *can* be reasonable and sane (though that varies). We don't know if females can have claim-mates, nor details of how females treat males of other species under their power in general. These things are VITAL to learn!

You need protection by someone sufficiently clever to reason with and who won't destroy your mind permanently as a matter of course or a general precaution!

Also, general note, the racial gifts -- strength, endurance, mass/size, durability, the ability to be stealthy despite being bright blue, the various magical gifts of this species are so ludicrously strong that a collection of morons of this species made absolute chaos of several large, organized, technologically and magically sophisticated groups in a matter of days! One might take the viewpoint that intentionally mixing some bloodlines might be a good idea. Maybe the males being stupid goes away if one is 1/4th Gormoamhi, but leaves the magic?

Though the magic and that drug and learning how to mindbreak people into a 'slave mindset' via edging them while they're drugged has totally fucked up their culture, to be sure. But I think sex with Gormoamhi males might have some odd mental effect in general, even without the drug? Otherwise getting people --of different species, even!-- reliably to the 'slave mindset' end wouldn't be possible, magic drugs or n
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1007920 No. 1007920 ID: fa8baf hide watch expand quickreply [Reply] [Last 50 posts] [Last 100 posts]

A quest about a society recovering from the introduction of both new races, and deeply sinister arcane forces.
Will likely be violent, have horror aesthetics, and potentially could get raunchy.
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No. 1082243 ID: 8f9bc4

No way it happened because of you. They'd have to chop off your ████ or something, to use your flesh for rune casting. If they used an immortal, it was another immortal, unless you notice any conspicuously missing body parts.

The uh... blood-kaleidoscope doesn't appear except only around the netherbound you were targeting. The netherbound also has a gun, and just murdered a guy, so uh... maybe... try finding another netherbound. This one's a biiit too dangerous to approach.
No. 1089379 ID: 3d7484
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>So, yea, dunno if you did the lightning thing or not. I mean, it could've been the guys superpowers or magic or whatever? That said, you witnessed a killing, whether it was legal or no. Don't draw attention to yourself, quietly make yourself scarce from here.
Yeah, there's no way I did the lightning, I'm all the way over here and as far as I know I don't have any lightning powers. But whatever just happened could be because the cult hunters are riled up, and I'm definitely to blame for that.

>In what way does this change your plans? It had nothing to do with you.
I didn't know the cult hunters were deadly. But you're right, it can't be that much worse than being sent back. Maybe things haven't gotten as bad as I thought. It's not like they know where I'm hiding out. Yet.

>Let's continue watching. Maybe the aftermath can give us some clues as to their motivations and desires.
Yeah, alright. They're definitely going to be focused on what just happened instead of looking for someone hidden accross the gap, and the better I know my enemy, the easier it'll be to avoid them.
Alright, if I can just... Focus for a second, we did already get some clues. The cult hunters came here, and confronted that guy who died, right? I think I heard something about a sorcerer in the chaos. It's their job to keep dark sorcerers from ever getting powerful enough to cause a second catastrophe, so they were probably looking for him
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No. 1089380 ID: 3d7484
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>Wait, what was that big black thing in the warehouse? I wanna take a look at that.
They came out during the commotion. Judging by the fact that they look like they're held together by nothing but pity and force of will, I'd say they're probably a corruption. More green than black, really.

And would you look at that. There's our mark. Since I can't just go right up to them right now, let's sit and watch where things go from here.
No. 1089381 ID: 3d7484
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Alright, so, the cult hunters shooed everyone away from the dead guy. Some of those people left, but the netherbound is still here, and they've been talking with the others since. Several more cars and a van, each with lots of markings and flashing lights on them arrived, and they've just put the dead sorcerer into the van. It's an awful lot of fanfare for one dead sorcerer. I'd say it was a celebration if they weren't acting so serious and had let the people who were here join in.

And now the Netherbound is on the move. I need to catch them alone and preferably far away from the cult hunters if I want to siphon some seep magic. I don't know how long I'm going to be able to keep track of them from afar; Prarister is pretty dense, with lots of places to go. How do you think I should approach this?
No. 1089384 ID: 273c18

You're in disguise, so once you get a decent distance away from the incident you can start following on foot. Do that for a little while, not enough for them to get suspicious, then approach them at some opportune moment and ask to talk to them in private somewhere. Say it's about what happened on the docks, with the sorcerer. You can even claim you're working with the cult hunters.

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1044452 No. 1044452 ID: ab70bc hide watch expand quickreply [Reply] [Last 50 posts] [Last 100 posts]

Early autumn is pleasant in Cedar Ridge. Summer's hottest days are behind you and the shade of the Douglas fir trees that blanket the town keep the underbrush cool.

North of the lake that divides the town are sets of woods. Interrupted only by mud roads and storm drains that rarely see use outside of the rainy season. This grove is only a mile from the town's one high school. Frequented by teens and alcoholics alike for bonfire parties that leaves the smell of ash in the air. This far east into Oregon the breeze is warm and sluggish, trapped in by mountain ranges.

From where you stand you can hear when the occasional truck passes through Cedar Ridge's main road. Barely. It helps you keep your facing when you're unsure which way is home.

You are in the north in the outskirts of town.
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No. 1089310 ID: eb0a9c

Short answer: Yes you are fat, but yes you are also well-endowed and high-spirited, in quantities that are far above the norm.
No. 1089311 ID: f2320a

Just eat the treat you are pretty enough that it dont matter those bunny models have flat stomachs but they have no tits or ass and sort of look like guys but also they would not survive fall or the zombie apocalypse on kale and lettuce due to the cold and malnutrition
No. 1089317 ID: 8f9bc4

Do you not normally have those jelly rolls? Most people do. (Most raccoons do?) Like 90% of your body fat is your tits, anyway. Get food if you're hungry. (You have a sneaking suspicion you'll get a lot of advice how to eat strategically if you do.) If you're not hungry, just head home.
No. 1089323 ID: f2320a

Remember you need to also dehydrate and have dangerously low fat content for those movie abbs also not as noticable with alot of hair.
Also yeah so long as you are not under feed you should have a jelly roll its natural to have that amount minimum to protect organs and to have something when times get lean when migrating to a new hunting and gathering spots often along a river.
No. 1089356 ID: 66a97e

No you're not fat, your a pretty average weight all things considered.

Your doing just fine, and besides fuck societies rules and standards, since when did that matter?

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